Tuesday, April 18, 2017

social engineering task 10

My task this week was to follow someone for 2 miles without being noticed. i began by choosing someone who was walking is a  slow, casual tempo. i used my car for this exercise even though it can also be done while on foot. the individual spent most his time looking at their phone and making phone calls instead of keeping an eye on their surroundings which made every awkward stop i had to make in order to keep pace with them easier as they were not looking at traffic on the street. after two miles i drove away.

Surveillance in today's world is getting easier as people are more and more easily distracted by the very technological devices used to make their lives easier. many people walk around with headphones in their ears and videos playing on their devices, totally unaware of the real world around them; sometimes this could be dangerous especially when walking around at night.

While there is nothing ethically or legally wrong with following someone, i see how this skill craft can be used in the process of social engineering.

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