Monday, April 3, 2017

Social Engineering task #8

My task:
Find out where a fellow player usually is at 2:30pm on a Thursday.
Did I accomplish the task?
No I did not accomplish this task because I don’t talk to anyone that is in our class outside of class.
A person could use information of a person’s whereabouts at a certain time to access their residence or to follow them and establish a schedule to help understand a certain individual’s habits in order to find a weakness and exploit it.
Ethical reflection:
The ethical issues raised by my task are that finding out where someone is at a certain time can be used to your advantage to gain access to their private property or their work space. These actions could be used in the “real world” and be considered morally right if it is used to know where a family member or friend is so that you know when to meet up with them or when is a good time to get in touch with them. This can be done in a way considered morally wrong if it is used to take advantage of a person to gain access to their private space or any other criminal activity.

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