Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Final Project


Malware is a software that is made  to damage or disable computers and computer systems.

There are a lots of typees of Malwares

Adware:- An adware software that automatically displays or downloads advertising material (often unwanted) when a user is online

Browser Hijacker:-Browser hijacking  refers to a piece of software that is installed on your computer and that takes over  your web browser. It does this without your permission and it is very difficult to remove.

Spyware:- Spyware is a  software that enables a user to obtain covert information about another's computer activities by transmitting data covertly from their hard drive.

Ransomeware:- It is a type of malicious software designed to block access to a computer system until a sum of money is paid. 

Rogueware/Scarware:- Scareware, also known as  fake antivirus products that trick users into paying for license fees by bombarding them with false security alerts.

Trojan worms:- In computing, Trojan worms  is any malicious computer program which is used to hack into a computer by misleading users of its true intent

SWIFT, the global financial messaging network that banks use to move billions of dollars every day from different accounts was warned on Thursday of a second malware attack similar to the one that led to February's $81 million cyber attacks at the Bangladesh central bank.
The second case was targeted a commercial bank, SWIFT spokeswoman Natasha de Teran said, without naming it. It was not immediately clear how much money  was stolen in the second attack.
While SWIFT had previously warned that the Bangladesh heist was not an isolated incident, and said its core messaging system remained intact, confirmation of a second attack on a bank will likely increase awareness on the security of a network that is a important of the global financial system



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