Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Some Ideas On Property

I choose the first one. Not because it is the shortest, but it is what I think I see in my job and life that hits closest to home.

I often see this at work, and I am referring to passengers, because this quote is about "Entitlement" and the me, me, me syndrome. We can use the topic of Healthcare for example right now, and I bet there are other hot topics out there right now, schooling for example. These are issues that have been building up and building up for some time now, but no one really has made any radical pushes or outbursts, until now because the costs of things are hittimg "them" in the pocket. It is always easy to brush aside the issues until they become so big or they are draining the "individuals" wallet. When it affects that one person and that one person becomes many then we do not see action. Prof. Poole this is a perfect example of "Occupy Boston." Until it because such a big issue, no one took to the parks or marched. Women on Washington is another great example.

What is so interesting about this is that this issue or example has been an issue since the time of Aristotle.

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