Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Social Engineering Task

My task was to do 10 acts of kindness to strangers in one day.
Did I accomplish it? Yes, but not enough.
When I got this task, I thought it would be the easy task, but when I accomplished this task, it was not that easy. There are 10 acts that I have to do in one day with stranger. I came up with some acts that I always do with everyone first:
-         -  I opened the door, keep it open and let someone go in first.
-         -  Give seats for elder people on the train.
-         -  Tell the man how to get to downtown when he just got out of the airport and was struggling at the airport station.
-         -  Giving some changes and a nice smile to 2 street performance guys, and a homeless person. (I don’t have a photo of that).
It would be easier if I done this task with my friends
Anyone could do the same things what I’ve done every day. In the real life situation, it is easy to do some kindness with friends, who you already known, even giving them a nice smile. In this case, doing kindness with strangers are different. It is good to do kindness things each other, then we can talk, share stories, or help each other.
Ethical reflection:
In the way that I think it morally right is that people are being kind each other would help everyone happier, make opportunity to know someone, maybe. In the other hand, someone would pretend to do kindness things to someone, for the purpose of building the trust each other, and then get some information from them without their prevention.

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