Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Social Engineering Task #6

Execution: - My task was to send a letter to the home address of Blue Hunk. Yes, I successfully accomplished it and I attached the proof of completion in this post.

Method: - When I got the task I did not know who is Blue Hunk. Then I checked the Hackers name list on Moodle and I figured out he is my friend. I was lucky I picked up a right card. I already know his home address. But I was confused about exact house number in the street. One day I called him and between our talk I got his exact house number. But I didn’t let him know that I was calling him to get his address. So, I got the address now I just need to send him a letter.

Application: - Home address is a privacy, no one would like to share it with unknown people. But people usually share it when they talk. In the real-life people just try to talk first and then tell them he is from this palace and ask them where are you from. After telling their own address fake/right they can easily get others or targeted people’s home address. After that they can send them letters with fake name to hurt them mentally.

Ethical Reflection: - In this task I didn’t felt bad because I sent him a blessing into the letter. I don’t think that I have created a ethical issue with my task. Friends can use these techniques to get the address of the friend and then sent him/her surprised birthday gift at their home address. It is morally right because of right purpose. On the dark side, people can send bad notes, inappropriate material or dangerous messages to hurt others.
At the end you can see the proof of my task completion which has the pictures of the letter, message in the letter and scene of posting a letter.

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