Sunday, March 26, 2017

Social Task 7

My Task : Get President Pink to go somewhere with you

I accomplished this task but with Mr. Pink. I was confused with the names. I took Mr. Pink with me  but after couple of days after completing the task I get to know that its not President Pink. I did my task with wrong person.

When I get this task, the person came to my mind who was telling me that he love Indian food. I just thought that he is President Pink. So after class, we made plan for Dinner at Indian restaurant with other friends too. So this task was not difficult for me. But I did it in wrong way. In this case, we knew each other and other fellow players too. So we might trust each other and usually do not say no if some ask to do something. But in general, you must be always aware of that what would the reason if you have any doubt on anyone. Going out with someone you don't know could be worst decision of life. You have any idea that what is going on in their mind, their intentions could be wrong. People get kid-napped, raped, murders in these scenarios. But if you have trustful relation and you can judge their intentions, so you should not hurt their feelings by saying no.

I clicked pictures too with Mr. Pink but the task went totally wrong.

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