Monday, March 27, 2017

Property Assignment

The Quote:

Mencius (4th century BCE, China)
“The Way of the people is this: that when they have a constant livelihood, they will have constant minds, but when they lack a constant livelihood, they will lack constant minds.  When they lack constand minds there is no dissoluteness, depravity, deviance, or excess to which they will not succumb.  If, once they have sunk into crime, one responds by subjecting them to punishment--this is to entrap the people.  When a humane man is in authority, how could the entrapment of the people be allowed to occur?  Therefore an exemplary ruler must be respectful, frugal, and reverent toward his subjects, and must take from the people only in accordance with the regulations.  Yang Hu said, ‘One who would be wealthy will not be humane; one who would be humane will not be wealthy.’”

The Quote Summary:

This quote talks about how livelihood and the effect of it on a person. This quote also talks about authority and power and that it is beneficial for there to be an honest, humane person as that authority figure. Lastly it suggest that wealthy people can not be humane.

The Story:

The Crescent News Story
This story talks about using cyber hacking and using it to protect the country against other cyber attacks.

The Story Summary:

This story talks about this agency in high school that deals with 800 million cyber threats (just getting in the network) daily. It talks about the increase in cyber threats and targets. Also, gives many different scenarios of cyber hacking into cars and other examples.

The Connection:

The quote and the story connect in terms of protecting home, in a sense. The US government is talking about protecting the country from domestic and international cyber attacks. While, the quote talks about how important home is and how people act with it and without it. I see how the government sets up a task force for the cyber security in order to protect their country, home.

Mencius Thoughts:

Mencius would agree that the government is doing what it takes to protect their home. Based on the quote he said, he showed value into home and how much property means to the mindset. Anything that threatens the constant home and livelihood, causes people to do about anything.

My Thoughts:

I agree with Mencius about property and home being constant helps ease the mind. Once that is taken away, a person will do anything to fill the void and find some constant safety net for themselves.

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