Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Social Engineering Task #8

My task was: “Convince a fellow player your name is something other than it is.”

Did I accomplish it? Yes

I don’t have evidence to confirm this because we had verbal conversation.

I’ve had many conversation with this fellow player in previous classes and we were talking about our ethnicity and where we come from. That’s when I told him my name was Maria and explained this was my grandmother’s name but I just don’t use my first name but my middle name.

Application: I think this is a task that could be easily performed by someone trying to get inside a social circle or a company. This technique could be used to make the victim feel they have something in common and start a casual conversation to obtain information from the victim. This can also be used to impersonate someone from a company the attacker is targeting.

Ethical reflection: I think the idea of impersonating someone else to obtain information or break into a company related to identity theft in some way. This could be dangerous for a company because once the attacker has physical access to the company assets the game is on the attacker’s board and it’s very easy to lose after a company lost protection to physical assets. A good way to apply this is for example a criminal office from the information security/forensics department of a law enforcement entity can try to impersonate an attacker to gather more information from one of their peers. Also, a white hacker can test the ability of employees from the management tier of a company to see how easily they will give away information via email, to someone pretending to be the CEO of the company.

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