Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Social Engineering Task #6

My task was: “Get Inavdor Dark Bue to buy me something.”

Did I accomplish it? No

I simply could not figure out who Inavdor Dark Bue was. I could not make the relation between the face and the name and I’m bad with names.

Application: Convincing someone to buy you something is a powerful tool register equipment, devices, phone bill, ISP accounts and even buy a laptop under someone else’s name to not to be identified in case the attacker is question by the authorities or investigated under criminal charges.

Ethical reflection: In a larger scale a social engineering could convince a group of people or a person to buy some equipment for them, equipment destined to plot an attack on an institution. Maybe, even something simpler, ask someone to put their phone line under their name or their ISP provider account name other someone else’s name to not to be identified. A positive application of this is to spam employees at a company with “legitimate” email asking for funds transfer under the name of the company they work for to see if they will indeed compromise the company without confirming if the email comes indeed from a client/a legitimate CEO or a third party.

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