Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Social Engineering task #7

My task was to call someone and pretend who you are not.

Did I accomplish this task? - Yes

How I did this task-  This task was very easy to complete  as we know everybody these days likes to fool around people by hiding their identity so that's what I did I called my friend and I had a conversation with about the prize he won and I told him that he had won 10,000 dollars in the survey he took when he bought a new car , i knew a little information about him as we are friends so i used it to fool him. He was very happy and he believed that it is real and I invited him to the acura dealership and asked him to bring his car and car document with a photo id , I asked all this to make it sound real and he believed it and agreed to come at the invited date and time . This is how I tricked my friend by calling him and being someone else .

Moral- People get tricked easily when someone greed them with some money or benefits that they can have in small period of time without any hardwork . But nothing comes easily we have to work hard for it that what life is about.

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