Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Ethical Assignment #Some Ideas on Property

Nana Sir Ofori Atta I (20th century, Ghana)
“I conceive that land belongs to a vast family of whom many are dead, a few are living, and countless host are still unborn.”
(Oral Testimony to West African Lands Committee, 1912)

This quote from Nana Sir Ofori Atta describes that the land belongs to the people whose family died for it, the people lives on the land and the people or the next generation who did not born yet to take control their land. Per the author, the true owners of the land are whose families live there for a while to protect the land while living on it for their next generation.

The link is a news article of the yahoo news about the people live on the border of the United States and Mexico and their lands are divided between the fence of two countries. In the link the story of the native American woman’s house express the thought of Nana Sir. Her land is divided into two countries but U.S. government let her go through the fence to take control his land. The fence is protected with a pin code and she is the one who can unlock the wall between two borders. The story of old native woman narrates the idea of Nana Sir that lands belongs to the true owners.

I am totally agreed with the decision they made. The true owner must have the control over his land. On the other hand, governments of both countries give her access to control the border of both countries. That might be dangerous in an another prospective. Per the right I believe given her permission to control her land over the boundaries of two countries should not be unacceptable.

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