Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Social Engineering Task 6

Execution: My task was to get a business to give me something worth $5 or more for free. I was able to accomplish this task. I'll put a screenshot below.

Narrative/method: Well, this was pretty easy. I subscribe to an online service that sense me a free pass to give to a friend quite often. They just so happened to send me one this month as well.

Application: If people are subscribed to the same service I am, then all you really have to do is check your notifications. Another approach someone could take is signing up for a free trial of a service and get it for free for a period of time. If someone knows a few people subscribed to services they would like to try, or if they just navigate to that service's site, they can get some free services for some time.

Ethical reflection: I don't really think there is anything wrong at all with this. If a company wants to offer their service or an item for free (ie. a bakery giving free samples), then it is their decision to do so.

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