Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Social Task 6

My task was to find out how a fellow player come to BHCC.

Did I accomplish the task?


Do you have any proof?

Yes, I have posted a photo below.

How did you accomplish your task?

This was a very easy task for me because all I had to do was just keep an eye on any player and follow him while he was going out from college. So what I did was just after the class ended I followed a fellow player and when he noticed me I started a conversation with him about the class and the assignments and the labs. As we kept on walking on our way I noticed he was heading towards the car park area but I thought he came on the T but then I kept the conversation going until we reached his car and then I also got a ride home from him.
People can be easily be tricked into interesting conversations and give out their personal information without their attention. In my case somebody could have just lead the car to a place where it can easily be robbed and could also be kidnapped. Person could hide some kind of drugs in the car and later on blackmail him for money that he will inform the police it could be anything unsafe.
Nice cars right !!!!!!!!! 

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