Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Social Engineering Task #7

My task was find out email address of Private Plum.

First, I tried to find out email address by using google. I searched Private Plum. However, nothing came out. So, I looked Hacker names on Moodle. I found that who is Private Plum. So, I tried to google the real name of Private Plum. I found LinkedIn account. but not an email address. I know Private Plum is one of my classmate in other class. So, I searched name with the bhcc webmail. I found the bhcc address of Plum's.

It was kind of easy to me. The reason why is I know who is Private Plum. If I didn't know about Private Plum, It could be hard to find or get information.

If I use this skills to people who I never met before, It would be so hard. However, when I succeed to get information from others, there are many way to use them. It also harm privacy of others. 

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