Monday, March 6, 2017

Ethical Writing Assignment Privacy #2

Do we have a moral obligation or duty to protect our privacy?   Why or why not?
I am totally agreed with the Allen’s statement that it’s your own choice to protect your own privacy. Individuals can make their own decisions whether to protect their privacy or to share with others. I don’t think so that we have any kind of moral obligation or duty to protect our privacy. On the other hand, if somebody else even an individual or corporation is revealing your privacy than you can protect it under privacy laws. Sharing your own privacy is fine but sharing others is a crime.
 Is this obligation collective, individual, or both?
I believe that we can share our privacy but we don’t have a right to share others privacy. In case of collective if I am sharing something online which has some information that touches the privacy of others than I am doing wrong. Because I can share my information without any permission but it’s my job to check the information before sharing if it contains the stuff of others than I should stop it. In the other scenario, individual information shared by individuals is fine. There is no obligation or moral right to stop them. As Allen explained rejecting privacy as a duty to self.

The best example I found on this topic is related to business. All the marketing corporations do business with you. They offer you to be a member of their store, brand or corporation. They will provide you lots of offers and discounts with their membership but in reverse they will monitor you whenever you will buy something from them. They will monitor the shopping behavior of their customers to increase their sales. But it’s all on you what will you prefer? To get discount with having their membership or to protect your privacy and shopping behavior from the vendors. In the end, I would like to say your privacy is your right and you have the right to make a choice weather to protect or to share.

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