Tuesday, March 21, 2017

READING and ASSIGNMENT: Some ideas on property

Here is a handout with some excerpts from various thinkers on issues of property: "Some ideas on property".

By next Monday, 3/27, at 11:59 PM: please write a blog post examining issues of property.  In your blog post, choose one of the quotes on the above handout.  Choose one of the quotes.  Summarize what you think the quote says.  Find a case or situation that you think relates to property in the context of IT security and/or ethical hacking.  Find a link related to the case (news story, wikipedia article, etc.) and link to it in your blog post. Apply the ideas from the quote you chose to the case you found.  What would (Aristotle, Senghor, Marx, etc.) say about the situation you found?  What do you think about the situation you found?

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