Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Social Engineering assignment 7

The task I was faced with this week was to find a classmate who had a dog and take a picture of it. Well first I started by thinking of how I would even engage into that conversation with anyone. But after a brief discussion with my professor I figured out that I could make this happen by researching my classmates until I found someone who did. I must admit that out of all of the assignments this definitely has made me the most uncomfortable. It has made me feel very invasive towards the other students because I googled everyone to try to find a photo of their dog. But I did feel victorious to have completed my assignment.

I do not think that what I did was unethical though because if I thought about it I did not do it for malicious purposes and anything published on the web by the students is the choice of the students. meaning they find it to be unharmful. Or worse, they may not realize it is harmful. Whatever the case, I can see how doing research on someone is invasive. I can see that maybe the information found could be used for malicious purposes but not the act itself because I am not breaking any laws.

The reason is because the way I went about finding the information was by literally googling everyone. I knew some students who had no pets so I skipped over them and went to the ones that I had no idea. The task itself took me about 5 minutes. Yes, it is that easy! But anything I saw was published by them so I did not break any laws by doing this.

The principle of why this is not ethically wrong is because like I have stated twice, the information I found was photos published by the students on the web. That anyone can stumble on.

Here is the photo. I refused to use the whole photo of this individuals dog because it made me uncomfortable to post something that is someone elses. But I snipped the ear. I felt that was enough proof.

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