Monday, March 6, 2017

Social Task #6

My Task : Get a favor  from a fellow player.

Did I Accomplish it: Yes

Method: When our class was over and we were about to leave. I knew that i have to complete my task and it was a good time to do that. So, I just told one of fellow player that I can drop you home because we are going in same way. He said OK. So, on the way home, I get him drive-thru lunch. And then I dropped him and when he was saying thank you, instead of saying "no problem" , I said, "of-course , its what friends do for each other" and I left. Later I called him in night and said that I have to complete my assignment by midnight and I am busy with my work, can you help me with that. (I had already submitted my assignment). He actually did helped me and sent the whole assignment done.

Application: Doing favors to others couldn't be that dangerous but it does effect the one who do the favor. It takes you time. As the quotes says, " Whenever you say yes to favor, you say no to million other things". Sometimes, people really needs you help. So it depends on the situation.
Ethical Reflection: The key part is reminding your fellow player that they can return the favor, it is called rule of reciprocity. This strategy takes a lot of pressure out of asking for favors. Apparently, once you help someone out, you'll feel like you deserve their help and won't worry so much about annoying them. Meanwhile, they'll probably feel like they owe you one and won't think twice giving toy what you need.

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