Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Ethics assignment property

Mencius (4th century BCE, China)
“The Way of the people is this: that when they have a constant livelihood, they will have constant minds, but when they lack a constant livelihood, they will lack constant minds.  When they lack constand minds there is no dissoluteness, depravity, deviance, or excess to which they will not succumb.  If, once they have sunk into crime, one responds by subjecting them to punishment--this is to entrap the people.  When a humane man is in authority, how could the entrapment of the people be allowed to occur?  Therefore an exemplary ruler must be respectful, frugal, and reverent toward his subjects, and must take from the people only in accordance with the regulations.  Yang Hu said, ‘One who would be wealthy will not be humane; one who would be humane will not be wealthy.’”
(Mengzi, 3A.3)

the message of this paragraph is balance. there should be a balance between those that have and those that do not have but as the article explains if you are too kind and to generous you will not be wealthy for long but on the opposite spectrum if you are to protective of your wealth you will lose your humanity.  


in the above link is a clear example of balance, fro the last several years policies were enacted to help climate change but the side effect was that jobs were lost and the economy stagnated but with the new deregulation of laws the balance will swing the other way and boost jobs but at the cost of the environment.Technology will evolve along with the means of exploiting it. IT security will be even more invaluable as our infrastructure will a boom in innovation and future use.

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