Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Social Engineering Task #6

Execution: My task was to take a picture of the fellow’s license plates. Yes, I accomplished it.

Narrative/method: After class, I targeted my fellow. I asked him where he was going, and he told me that he was going home, and he was walking to the parking lot. I told him that I were going the same way, which is to the parking lot. I pretended looking around for my friends, and when he opened his car, I took a picture of his car without his knowledge. 

Application:People can use the same method that I did to follow someone to the parking, and easily taking picture of their car. With a smartphone on hands, people pretend doing something like texting to do something else, like talking pictures, or videos. 

Ethical reflection: In this task, taking picture of someone’s license plates is morally wrong. As I know that with the license numbers, and in somehow they had an access to the RMV records, they could know the entire information, such as home addresses, phone number, etc. In the other hand, it could be right when someone is doing something wrong, and running away, taking picture of their car would be a good decision to identify them.

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