Tuesday, March 28, 2017


Aristotle (4th century BCE, Greece)
"That which is common to the greatest number has the least care bestowed upon it. Every one thinks chiefly of his own, hardly at all of the common interest; and only when he is himself concerned as an individual."
(Politics, Book 2, Part 3)

It is short but has many meanings. I think what Aristotle would like to say is that people think of their own, or profit, ahead of others. Protecting one's property for a man may be another means of self-protection. However, there are many property damage and personal damage caused by hacking these days. I think the beginning of these things began with human selfishness. It is a trend that crimes that infringe the freedom and privacy of others and use them to increase their wealth, are increasing and developing. I think Aristotle will tell us about how frightening human selfishness is and how much our ethical behavior affects society in these situations.

If you look at the article through the link below, there is an article that hospitals have been damaged by Ransomware. The basic principle of Ransomware is which a virus is planted on a user's computer, then all the files are encrypted and then the user is asked for money. In looking at this article, I think that this event, caused by human selfishness, may take away the life of another person, that all the information someone else has recorded or diagnosed over time may disappear and that the patient's privacy may also be violated.


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