Monday, March 27, 2017

Social Engineering Task #7

Execution: My task was to convince a fellow player to give his/her unlocked phone and send to myself a picture from their phones, i have successfully accomplished after many many attempts as many of them refused to hand me their phone.
Narrative/method: This time, i approached my task a little bit different that the first one as i had to ask my fellow players to hand me their unlocked phones and was turned down many times as it was very personnel, i simply asked him to use their cellphone to make a phone call as i "accidentally" left my phone in my car.
Application: This can be done in a variety of ways, i knew from the very beginning that the person i asked to use their cellphone would not turn me down as the first people did; however, the person payed very close attention to me as i was utilizing their personal phones, i was actually sharing this sentiment and in return i was watching them as well to not see me sending a picture to myself using their phone which was my task. Since i only used their phone to send pictures to me, it would not have resulted in gaining any information if this picture gets into the wrong hand; however, the story would have slightly been different had i used their personnel laptops, as their IP'S would be shown in the end of the receiver, this course teaches us that hackers can viciously attack this person only if the IP is available to them, as well as the laptop's name, these can be used to launch an attack to that specific system

Ethical reflection: One of the ethical issues that raised while performing this which i believe many encounter is the fact that being honest because i clearly ethically lied to the person to use their personal phones to use while my intention was to actually send pictures to myself as a proof i successfully used their phones. Morally, it is as well wrong and inappropriate to involve in such behaviors, as soon as i walked out of the classroom i felt some betrayal towards the person i lied to as being trusted does not mean that the others are less smarter than you although the other part can actually know whether or or you send any pictures using their personal phones or not even after deletion. .

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