Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Social Engineering Task #7

My task was to find out Princess Lovely Pink's computer OS (including version). I am not entirely sure if my task was successful maybe she can clarify if I am correct. I am going to say their computer's OS is Windows 10.

First, I'm terrible with names. After looking up who Princess Lovely Pink was in the hacker names I wasn't sure who this person was. I went ahead and tried to Google the name (and my God there's about a million of you) so that didn't work. I then Googled the name along with "Bunker Hill" for more relevant results. First couple of links gave a Facebook profile whom I recognized from class. My initial approach was to look for a picture/even screen shot they may have taken and maybe try to data mine it for information on the computer it was originally saved to. Turns out I didn't have to because the information I needed was right on the profile page. Under Work it says Microsoft software intern and that she is a junior web developer. So I am going to take a guess that a Microsoft software intern uses Windows as their OS. Being a web developer would be a strong indicator that they are more well versed in computer competencies like always being up to date to go even further to suggest this person is well updated regularly in patches also(?) So Windows 10 in whatever newest patch/updates it is currently on is my guess.

In a real life situation the same steps can be applied to what I did above. Some people have information readily available online. Some may not understand how that information could be relevant to someone else who may have not so good intentions.

This task raises issues regarding the steps users need to take to keep themselves safe. Also awareness as to what technical information is being displayed that someone else can exploit. This information could be used for helping such as an IT personnel trying to fix a problem or it can be used for an attack. Understanding the OS and the version/patches in a victims machine is the most important part before carrying out an attack.

1 comment:

  1. I have a computer with each system....My internship at microsoft lended me their company computer with windows 10.
