Monday, March 27, 2017

READING and ASSIGNMENT: Some ideas on property

David Hume (18th century, Scotland)
“Our property is nothing but those goods, whose constant possession is established by the laws of society; that is, by the laws of justice...A man's property is some object related to him. This relation is not natural, but moral, and founded on justice. ‘Tis very preposterous, therefore, to imagine, that we can have any idea of property, without fully comprehending the nature of justice, and showing its origin in the artifice and contrivance of man. The origin of justice explains that of property. The same artifice gives rise to both.”
(A Treatise of Human Nature, part 2, section 2)

This quote from David Hume, the Scottish intends to send a message that the very meaning of property is all goods that exist within a given society, the existence of property is largely related to the existence of the justice, each one completes the other and that property is identified as all good which citizens can have access to.

Most people do not consider reading Facebook policies and regulations before creating a Facebook Profile page, and i think that had people read it, they would not have shared, posted or updated their Facebook profiles since every single data is being saved in Facebook database even after deleting the contents, this is to say that a Facebook private user is not private in any ways, all contents that are being shared on Facebook become Facebook's owner,i believe that David Hume would argue that Facebook has the authority to keep its customers' records of data as well as personal information in data because it violates the privacy of the citizens; on the other hand, Facebook does not force anyone to create any Facebook Page under any circumstance; however, people voluntarily create them. the severity of this is actually anyone can create fake Facebook Profile pages under someone else's name without authenticating them, this is a huge privacy violation.

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