Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Social Engineering Task #4

My task was: “Find out someone's address or phone number by reading it on a bag tag (or similar thing)”

Did I accomplish it? No
No evidence to show as I did not accomplish the task

I looked in South Station, especially on the area where people get on the Silver Line to head to the airport with no luck. My idea was to spot someone to be able to snap a picture without them noticing.

Application: This is just another way to get someone’s personal information, like their phone number and address to target them, google dork their address and find out where they work and who they are.

Ethical reflection: After knowing what type of phone and OS a company gives its employees; the ethical hacker can plan better and design a plan to protect the company assets based on what vulnerabilities this system has. A negative way to apply this knowledge is to target a phone that belongs to the attacker’s target company network and infiltrate the network, run malware or even work its way to wipe out the phones remotely.

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