Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Social enginerring #8 - Tape on your water bottle.

  My task this week was to put a piece of tape that was given to me on a fellow players water bottle. I was curious how I could do this inside of class especially with everyone watching and on high alert of being targeted. I noticed the only person who had a water bottle was MzQueen Green so I knew she was my target I wondered how I could get this done especially because she was leaving her bottle in her bag. My original thought was a sneak attack to just tape on their right in front of her.

  I waited figuring I could catch her before she left the class. As time ticked by I was getting edgy but then she stood up and left the classroom leaving her bag and the water bottle on the table as soon as she was out of sight I leapt up out of my chair and tripped stirring up everyone's attention. I hoped no one would try to stop me or tell MzQueen Green. I taped the red tape to her bag and sat back down. Mission accomplished.

I didn't like reaching into someone's bag It felt intrusive and I know I wouldn't be happy if someone did it to me. Although a piece of tape is small and un-harmful this could have easily been a different scenario it could have been a tracker that I slipped into her bag or poison that I left on her water bottle. You would never think how serious it would be until it is done and you start to think all of things you can get into someone's bag.


  1. Ahh I saw Admiral Aquamarine sneak something into her bag on the first week of class thats why I didn't leave the classroom the whole semester.. Lol.
