Monday, April 13, 2015

Social engineering challenge: Tpass

My challenge for this week was to have a fellow player buy me a t pass. As usual, I assumed this task to be near impossible only because its targeting a fellow player and it has to do with money. I knew I couldn't openly come out and ask someone to buy me a t pass, that would have been way too easy. After class, a group of us walked to the train station like we normally do. Since that was pretty much my only window of opportunity because i don't see any of my classmates until the following wee, i figured id go all-out. I asked Raven Blue as soon as she parted ways but got denied, failed. Captian Black and Pink Mystery were too far ahead so they wouldn't come back even if i could get them, failed. While walking with Inspector Green and Mzqueen, i asked Mzqueen because i never attempted a challenge on her. We got to the gate where you tap your charlie card and i pretended to not have money, she still wasn't buying my act, failed. I even piggybacked off a stranger. Inspector Green and i got on the same train going towards Forest hills. Suprisingly we were both going to the Galleria mall, so i thought that all hope was not lost. After we got food, we were on our way back, he asked me "Do you really not have a t pass?" i said no (of course). i tried so hard not to make any facial expressions that wouldn't give it away. I told him that i only had to take this one train and i'd be all set, so he bought me a t pass right when the train was about to leave. Mission accomplished.


  1. Wow. That one is nearly impossible. Way to stick with it.

  2. Funny that you targeted each other. Good persistence. 5 points.

  3. Me and Captain Black X31 saw this happening we knew it was your task so we didn't give in. Crazy how you got him! He probably felt bad after targeting you.
