Monday, April 27, 2015

Final Mission!

This week my mission was to gain access back into the previous building that I was in, Cheeseboy. This time I would re-gain entry AND take photo evidence that I got into their test kitchen and grabbed something from the refrigerator.

My strategy was to enter through a back door that I noticed last time I was there. I knew that the kitchen was right along that side of the building and hoped to get in and out during lunch hour. It was pretty quiet in the building, but I was still afraid of be seen by the same manager as last time. However, I just went for it...

Mission Complete!!

My strategy to enter through the back door quietly worked! I did feel slightly bad for sneaking around and was nervous to what was around each corner. I learned that physical security it just as important as cyber-security for a company. Once the physical layer is infiltrated, everything is at risk, like their fridge, or confidential information. Now that my final mission is over, I will leave Cheeseboy alone. These missions were a blast (especially since I didn't get caught) and they taught me a lot.
(I think I even managed to get extra credit on this one, you will see what I mean in class tomorrow.)

Til then!!