Monday, April 13, 2015

Social Engineer Challenge 8: You've been 2

My task was to stick a piece of tape to a fellow player’s keys.

This task was kind of difficult knowing that CaptainBlack X31, MzQueen Green, TheBlack Capo, and Inspector Green all take the T, which also means they won’t have their keys handy. Admiral Aquamarine did not make it to class and Admiral Thistle left class early, this leads to my last and only available target, Agent Raven Blue. Usually when class ends, I notice she always pulls out her car keys before leaving the classroom. That day, she didn’t. I got nervous thinking she didn’t bring her car. We all walked out of class walking in the same direction and talking to each other. As soon as I saw Agent Raven Blue pull out her keys I approached her and started a conversation with her. I was interested in something she mentioned prior to class then decided to take that opportunity to distract her to complete my task. She normally exits the building by the parking lot but that day she took a different route, which gave me more time to complete my task (phew). As we walked up the stairs her keys were at my level and I took the opportunity to just stick the tape. Mission accomplished.

A moral stake is losing trust with a fellow player and revenge.

Everyone has house keys but no one is likely to take them out unless they’re approaching their house. So my strategy was to single out players who drove so I can specifically stick the tape to their car keys. I would say my strategy was pretty effective because I was able to complete my task.

This task is similar to my previous task, I don’t think there is anything I can do with sticking tape on another person’s belonging unless it contained dangerous chemicals.  

I felt awful having to complete this task because it was the first time I conversated with Agent Raven Blue and she was nice enough providing me with information I needed with something else we discussed before class.

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