Monday, April 13, 2015

Mission # 8 - Sorry

My mission this week was to get PinkMystery to complete a physical task in public. I knew this mission was going to be difficult and would need some planning time. At the risk of being too obvious, I waited until today to complete my mission.  However, last week I attempted to plant the seed of innocence by mentioning that my mission wasn't for a fellow player this week. My strategy this week was to come out of nowhere, when least expected, and when the trust level was higher. 

PinkMystery and I just recently realized that we share another class together on Mondays, and I decided to make my move then. She wouldn't expect it. I arrived at our class early today and unplugged and moved around her computer station. That way when she arrived she would have to lift her computer, move it around, and crawl under the desk on her knees to check the cabling. I was very nervous that she would walk in and see me dismantling her computer and had to act quick. I also had to do this without the other students seeing me and mentioning something to her, or ask why I was doing this. I mean, it looked pretty shady to me, but surprisingly no one said anything. I waited for PinkMystery to come to class and when she did, the professor was about to go over notes on the whiteboard, and had to turn off the lights. Now she had to attempt this in the dark. Oh boy. I tried hard not to make eye contact with PinkMystery, if I did I thought she would figure out something was awry. I started to feel bad for sabotaging her computer when all she wanted to do was sit down and listen to the professor and relax. She looked frustrated, but determined. She worked on the computer on and off while using the station next to her to keep up with the class. Mission complete. (Sorry)

Morally, I didn't see anything wrong with what I did, it was just kind of mean. However, I was able to follow through and succeed with the strategy of attacking when least expected. In this mission I learned that people as a unit keep to themselves. There were at least five other students in the class that saw me taking apart her computer, and then watched her have put it back together, but said nothing. Finally, toward the end of class the guy that sits in between us got up and tried to help her, but she had already mostly figured it out by then. The fact that the class didn't say anything to either one of us is worrisome and good to know in regards to future missions.

Again, sorry for the extra work you had to do during class.

Til next week!


  1. LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I'm dying over here laughing!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Wow....good. And says something about your fellow classmates. 5 points

  4. I was trying to comment on this with my phone but it didn't let me. I love this! I usually come to class early but I had an appointment that day so you were in luck. Hilarious, great job! I almost did not show up.
