Friday, April 24, 2015

Draft for final Project- "Defenders of the Defenseless"

“Defenders of the Defenseless” can anonymous truly make these claims. In an interview with CNN Anonymous was asked a question of why they would get involved in certain types of cases such as Rape or hate cases when they are supposedly “The Rulers of the Internet”. I too have question why they get involved and then that’s when the Defenders of the Defenseless comment was brought up. My issue with this is how Anonymous can call themselves the defenders of the defenseless if they only try to get involved in high profile cases.

I have noticed that they get involved in cases where the victim or guilty has been treated unfairly or an error has been made within the case or trial but upon further investigation they only target the cases that are the most covered or televised. It makes me wonder if maybe they get involved because yes they believe that’s something wrong was done and someone needs to make a stand but also to get more media attention for themselves. Are their actions done because they truly believe in the cause or case or are they just seeking the media attention? I want to believe that it’s more than just an attention getting act because I believe in some of the things Anonymous stands for. I have followed Anonymous for years and have been intrigued by their protests and hacktivism activities. That’s not to say I haven’t been frustrated or disagreed with some of them as well.

I tried to find a word better than the phrase defenders of the defenseless that could really describe what anonymous is: Vigilantes which is defined as members of a self-appointed group of citizens who undertake law enforcement in their community without legal authority, typically because the legal agencies are thought to be inadequate. The big question after reading that is whether that is what Anonymous is and whether what they are doing is actually in defense of the defenseless. In one instance they protested the Westborough Baptist church that planned to protest the Newtown memorial service. In this situation I would have agreed but the way they did it seemed more harmful then helpful. Anonymous released addresses and phone number of members of the church and thus endangering anyone who lived there including innocent children. There is a phrase that’s says two wrongs don’t make a right. That seems to be true in most cases. Also how many cases have the victims asked for Anonymous help it seems Anonymous is more bent on the punishment then the help. A better term for them to use is maybe “Punishers of the Wrong.” A clear picture pops into my head when I think of defending the defenseless and it’s a mother protecting her child; that is defending the defenseless.

Do the research do you think Anonymous are the “Defenders of the Defenseless”?


  1. Strength/Insight/Improvement
    I liked your draft a lot, and you did a great job rising questions about the real motivation of Anonymous.

    as improvement the only think I can mention here is to support your point of view with philosopher. other ways you did a great job.

  2. Strength/Insight/Improvement

    I really like your topic and you did a good job pointing out the moral issue here. I looked up some sites that support this topic with philosophy: Check out:

    Also, the fallacy of two wrongs don't make a right can be broken down here:

    I think that this is a strong topic so far!

  3. I like your topic and the facts you stated, it makes me second guess them now too. I agree with Captain Black and Admiral Thistle with Philosopher's moral views.

    It might also be easier to concentrate on a certain case, like digging more into the moral aspects of the WestBorough Baptist Church case. Seeking both sides and philisopher's view on this case.

  4. I think this is a very interesting topic and you did a great job, pointed out a lot of very important facts and brought up questions that really make the reader think if they are really helping, or if they are just doing it for attention.

    As for improvements, they only thing I can suggest is to back up your facts and
    point of view with a philosopher's ideas that may relate to this case.

    This link may help you,

  5. I like the question of motive. I think I'd focus a little more on that, and explore why they get involved with certain issues and not others. It's an interesting thought, and one I hadn't considered.

    This is a tough subject to cover in a short bit of writing. I think you're on the right track!
