Thursday, April 16, 2015

Final Proposal 2 "The Best social engineer the world has ever seen."

I made an early proposal last week about the Sony hacking Case related to the movie the interview, but after with Professor Pool's permission I decided to change my topic to Mark Zuckerberg the best Social engineer the world has ever seen.

As everyone know Mark Zuckerberg, is a genus a visionary and a business man, but looking at his achievement he tricked millions of people to give away there personal information, store it in a huge data base and found a way to exploit it legally and make billions out of it, which makes him the best compared to even the greatest social engineer in history like Kevin Mitnick or Frank Abagnale who served harsh present terms, before finding a way to use there skills legally and make money out of it. but in this project I will be more looking at the following questions:

1) The moral issues in this situation will be in what way the client information including Personal life details are being used, does Mark has the right to use them with out consulting with us?

2) How can we protect our self if we are already users of Facebook, can we use Social media and be protected?

3) what happen to our personal information after we delete our profiles?

4) In what way companies who pay for this information use it?

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