Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Social Engineer Challenge 8- You've been taped!

My challenge was to place the piece of tape given to me on my card on a fellow players shoe.

I had no specific target but thought it would be easier to target the people sitting closest to me; Pink Mystery and Admiral Thistle.

I decided to go for Pink Mystery, as Admiral Thistle stepped out of the room.

It was presentation time, and the lights was turned off. I decided to try and place the tape on the back of Pink Mystery's shoe since she was sitting face forward and she tends to have her feet tucked under her chair. I tried bending down without making too much noise for her to turn around. The tape was not sticking; it sliding off and hitting the floor. After a couple of times... nothing and then presentation was over and the lights came back on.

I decided to see if could get Admiral Thistle who sits behind me and tends to have her legs crossed and laptop on her lap. I sparked up small talk so i can get a good view but i felt like she would be able to block it had i attempted it because she had a wide view.

For the  rest of the class I contemplated different avenues, but i just felt i wouldn't be able to pull this off. I decided to hold off and arrive at next class early and get someone then, but i missed the train and got her when everyone was already here! :-(

Until next time,


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