Monday, April 20, 2015

Social Engineer Challenge 9: Gym Session

My task this week was to get a fellow member to do an activity with me outside of campus.

I once bumped into CaptainBlack X31 at our neighborhood gym sometime last year and I haven’t seen him there since. So after class I asked him why hasn’t he been at the gym and he said that he’s been busy with work and homework assignments. I told him I’ve been busy too, but with summer around the corner, I’ve been going lately. I told him that he should too and that he should show me some workouts. He seemed a little skeptic at first but later agreed. So we made plans to meet the next day around 5pm. Gym was a success. He showed me a lot of different workouts and pushed me to lift more than my usual. Mission accomplished.

My strategy of targeting the closest fellow player that lived next to me was pretty effective because he already had a membership at the same gym.

The moral stake is listening to your gut feelings. Everything in this class could and will be another player’s task since I never bothered asking him to go to the gym before.

There is nothing I can do with having him go to the gym with me unless I didn’t know where he lived before and decided to get him to go somewhere so I can stalk him back.

CaptainBlack X31 and I made a handshake that we were both not going to target each other for our tasks, but I see we both lied. I actually felt bad doing this but knowing everybody had their guard up, there was no way I would have been able to meet outside of campus with any other fellow player.