Monday, April 6, 2015

Property pt 2

During the past week, I made some closer observations concerning property with or without payment:
  • Mail- Upon receiving a letter in the mail there is a recipient and therefore the letter belongs to that recipient. The person who received the mail now owns it even if beforehand they did not ask nor pay for the paper, envelope and stamp. So even if it is intended to be for the recipient, the recipient may not have requested it or want it but since it is sent to them, they now own the letter and is responsible for it.
  • Bills/Services- When my brother bought a house he told me instead of paying rent money, I would have to pay for the electricity and gas bill. The bill is under my name and even if I pay for it, I do not own it, I am just responsible to pay for it to continue having those services.
  • Cellphone/contract- When I first opened my service with AT&T, I got the iPhone 4. Since I paid for it, I now owned that phone. Just because I own the phone it does not mean I can just unlock the SIM card and switch to a different carrier. I opened the line with a contract that states I have to stay with them for two years. As for upgrades, the customer doesn’t actually own the phone until they finish paying it off completely. 
  • Restaurant/reservations- I was making a table reservations over the phone for me and a friend. When we arrived, the host said she will take us to our table. Again as stated last time even if the table was reserved for us and referred to as “our table” it doesn’t necessarily mean we own the table and can take it home. Although since it is our table no one else can sit there, even if we get up and use the restroom. Now the reservation of the table would end as soon as we check out. We can't just come anytime and sit on the same table after the day of the reservation.

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