Monday, April 13, 2015

Final Post: PSN Hack of 2011

My final is in regards to the hack of the PlayStation Network. Specifically, the hack that took place in 2011 that exposed 77million customers personal account information, over 12,000 credit card numbers from non-U.S cardholders, and additional information from 24.7 million Sony Online Entertainment accounts may have been stolen. The attack caused the psn to be shutdown for nearly a month.
  • Morally, this was an enormous breech of privacy. Making that many peoples' account information available to the public just to prove to Sony that their security was not as secure as it should be wasnt right to do.

1 comment:

  1. Definitely a privacy issue! The stuff we've been reading (Anita Allen, Warren and Brandeis) might illuminate this, but you might also look for others. Why wasn't it right to breach the customers' privacy?
