Monday, April 6, 2015

Property III

Quotes from "A Message to Sony from Anonymous"

"...censor information about how your products work"

Geohat jailbroke his PS3 and wanted to share that knowledge with others. Sony was against that and demanded that the information be removed from the internet. They also retrieved the IP address of all the users that visited Geohat's site to get the information to execute the jailbreak. So just because you manufactured an item, you should be able to stalk your users and prevent them from using an item to its fullest capacity. We as consumers want to get our monies worth.

"... at least when those actions threaten to undermine the corrupt stranglehold you seek to maintain over copywrong, oops, "copyright"".

So basically Sony is all for you buy it you own it, but it's when you go against their views on how their product should be used then thats when they throw out that you don't actually own your item. If that is the case then Anonymous is right we are only renting these products.

"...products they have paid for, and rightfully own..."

We as consumers, like GeoHot, believe that when we purchase something with your hard earned money then that now becomes rightfully yours. We should be able to do what we want to the product including jailbreaking, although this may void warranty and support should your device fail. Sony believed otherwise. Sony believes that since they manufactured this device, they should be able to control how it is being used. They believe the consumer should use the product as is with what has been provided to them on the device. So if that clause is stated why is it that Sony should still have control of how the product is used? Sony wants all their products to uniformly be the same product with the same capabilities.

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