Monday, April 6, 2015

Social Engineering #7 “You don’t need that coffee”

My task for this week was to get someone to stop eating/drinking mid-meal (or mid-way through their drink). For full completion of this task, I must get them to stop, not just pause.
I didn’t have a specific target for this task in the beginning, I just decide to open my eyes for potential opportunities, I had a backup plan in case if I will be running out of time, but fist I wanted to explore the opportunities that will present them self. For the past few days at lunch I would walk around the building where I work looking for potential targets. My office mate and formal supervisor, was eating lunch in his disk, two tacos and rice, I thought if I can convince him that a bug felt in his rice I will accomplish my mission since the rice represent 50% of his lunch. I told him and said that I saw something falling in his rice, stood up and walked over to him and said that he shouldn’t eat it, he looked in his plate all over it and kept eating his tacos, when he got to the rice I told him one more time that I won’t eat that if I was him, that I personally prefer to sacrifice some rice then getting sick later, he said that he didn’t care that much and he is too hungry to stop eating. I had to pick a new target. Later that day I went to a close restaurant to pick up my lunch, and while walking  I remembered that one of the cashiers there always gets coffee at that time, I walked in and I sow the cup of coffee behind the counter, I said “hi man is that your coffee?”  He said “yes”, I said I think I saw something falling in it, he opened the cover, looked in his cop and said don’t worry about it, its fine. I said “ok just wanted to let you know.” I was frustrated that I couldn’t get someone to stop eating or dunking, it end up being harder than I thought. I decided to use my back up plan and accomplish this mission. Next day I was in the office with my office mate and I said I am going to get coffee do you need one? He accepted (since I know what will happen to that cup of coffee I felt better baying it myself). I went and got his coffee, few hours later he left the room and said he will be back in a second, I went to his disk and I pour some of his coffee on the empty spot of his disk (making sure not touching anything on the disk), and put 5 pieces of napkins on the top of it and let it dry, I took the coffee checked the content, It was about half empty, next I thought the cup of coffee in the trash to make sure he will stop drinking it. When he came back he ask what has happened, I said that I wanted to use the phone to make a changes to the voice mail (we share the same phone which is installed in his disk) and I accidentally knocked cup of coffee over his disk, he ask if his computer was wet and I said don’t worry I was a little bet on the disk and all over me, Sorry for your coffee, he smiled and said “no problem, that happens”. Mission accomplished.
My last strategy was effective since I thought away the drink so I was sure that my target completely stopped drinking.  Also since I spend the rest of the day with my target I was sure that he didn’t get another drink, so my plan worked.
Morally since I love food myself I think its wrong stop someone from eating or drinking, if I was the target I would of hated it.
I didn't get any information doing this task but, I think that this task confirmed to that having a plan is always a good think.
I didn't like to not let my target finish his cup of coffee but, I had to get my task done.