Monday, April 27, 2015

Social Engineering Challenge ...whatever number: I Know What You Did Last Winter

My final task was to get a fellow player's home address without following them home.

All geographical identifying information will be abbreviated. I'm relying on my target to confirm this information.

I already knew Agent Raven Blue lives in M, so I decided to target her. We were talking after class last week, and she expressed doubt that I could pull it off. So confident was she, that she openly informed me that she lives on G St. I wasn't sure if this was true or misdirection, but I ran with it.

To the Internet! A Google search of Agent Raven Blue's name revealed her Twitter profile. I was looking for pictures...aaaaaand...a-ha! January 27th. The Blizzard. Agent Raven Blue posted a picture from a residential area, which I interpreted to suggest this is her apartment:

On second thought, I'm not going to post these images. A clever mind could reverse-search them and determine the location. The images are available for review offline if needed.

Now, armed with this view and G St, I took to Google Street View. I went down G St. It didn't take long to find the green house opposite the white house. Seen below:

Second image also redacted.

You'll notice the white house on the left, the green house on the right, and the side street just before it.

Turning the view around, I noticed a multi-story building with balconies that could have had the above view. The building's ground floor had some lettering, and a quick Google search revealed the address.

Agent Raven Blue lives at XX G St in M, likely on the third floor. I'll let her confirm this.

Mission accomplished. I've learned that I'm a decent Internet sleuth, and I'm not to be underestimated.

With this information, I could do a lot of things. Good thing I don't have nefarious purposes for getting this information!

- The Admiral


  1. Impressive! If this all pans out to be true and confirmed, it should get some major points. I thought this mission would have been a failed attempt, but I was wrong!! Google Street View + Admiral Aquamarine = Scary.

  2. I officially Confirm that the information is TRUE! I love you for this!
