Monday, April 13, 2015

Social Engineer Task: Follow me

This week’s task was to get a fellow player to follow you home/to a location.

Since everyone mentioned that the professors spoke too much and we did not get enough time to work on our tasks, this past week they decided to give us time. They gave us close to an hour so we can work on our tasks. During that time everyone was very suspicious, no one knew who to trust. We were all talking to each other, so if I asked someone to go with me somewhere, it would had been too obvious, so I decide to just talk to everyone, and randomly ask each one of the players if they would like to trade cards with me. I figured that would make them believe that trading cards with someone was my task, so that way, when I try to target someone it would be less obvious. At the end of the class we all walked together, except Admiral Thistle that left early and Admiral Aquamarine that was absent. A group of us walked towards the train station, while walking I tried to make conversation with Mzqueen, I figured that if I randomly ask her to follow me somewhere it would be too obvious and a bit creepy, so I was planning on having a conversation with her so it wouldn't be as obvious, but she was not having it, she started walking faster and left me behind. When I got down to the platform I seen CaptainBlack and Pink Mistery so they became my targets, I asked them if they wanted to grab sometime to eat but they both said no. Since I don’t see anyone from the class till next week, it had to be now or never, I got a bit desperate and tried to persuade them to go with me to get something to eat but I think they both knew I was targeting them, because they keep saying no. A couple of seconds later TheBlackCapo showed up, we all talked for a few until the trains came, CaptainBlack and PinkMistery were waiting for the train to Oakgrove while TheBlackCapo and I got in the same train towards Forest Hills. Since he was the last one I was going to see, I decide to try it with him. I asked where he was heading and he said he was going to Galleria Mall, so I lied to him and told him that I was heading the same way that maybe we can go together, he said okay. We keep talking about each other on the way, when we got close to the entrance I quickly got in front of him and told him that maybe we should go get something to eat, which he agreed to. Since I was in front of him, I walked towards the Food Court and he followed me. Sounds to me like mission complete. Till next time. 


  1. Persistence pays off. This is only 2 points though since you sort of went to where he was going versus getting him to do what you wanted.

  2. We figured this was one of you guy's task! Lol.
