Monday, April 13, 2015

Final Project Proposal: Adrian Lamo vs. Bradley Manning

Adrian Lamo B.K.A. Homeless Hacker turned in a U.S. Soldier (Manning) who leaked secret information to the website Wikileaks. Just as the actions that Lamo did in the past, Manning's action to leak this information was not to cause harm but to bring awareness and change.

Identify the issues at stake: 

Is Lamo credible? What was his intentions?
How is Lamo's past crimes different from Mannings crime?
Is Lamo breaking the hacker code; turning against a fellow hacker?

1 comment:

  1. Mzqueen, I think you're on your way--especially identifying the issue of loyalty (the "hacker code"). Maybe that's the place to focus this project. I can help you locate philosophers who address loyalty.
