Monday, April 6, 2015

Mission 7

My mission this week was very challenging. The mission was to give a small gift to CaptainBlackX31 and make sure he takes it with him, either in his backpack or in his pocket.

Holy. Mission.

Out of all the players I believe that CaptainBlackX31 may be the most paranoid/aware and one of the hardest to successfully target. I immediately started plotting. My strategy was seem as non threatening and casual. I decided that I couldn't single out CapatainBlackX31 and had to attack all the players in the class as a whole. In class, we were discussing the idea of property and information, and I decided that I could work this into my plan.

I completely made up that in a previous semester we were influenced to check out a meet-up group on hacktivists and information hackers. I wrote the URL down on a piece of paper and handed them out to all the players in the room, including CaptainBlackX31. The URL was a link to a meet-up group of hackers in our local area. The URL was my gift to CaptainBlackX31, the gift of knowledge. He was a bit uneasy with accepting the piece of paper and had me place it next to him on his desk. I assured it was just a URL and there was no trick up my sleeve, and even showed the contents of the paper. Now I just had to wait for him to take the paper with him at the end of class. I looked over and saw that the paper was still on the desk at the end of class, BUT CaptainBlackX31 came up to me and said thank you for the URL and said he had taken a picture of the URL with his phone. Mission Complete! He had taken my gift, and the picture of the gift was now electronically in his pocket, just as the mission had stated. He had taken my gift with him.

During this mission I had to rack my brain to try to figure out how to get this done. The missions are certainly getting harder and the players are becoming more paranoid. Each mission has to be hidden in another action to seem legit, basically we all have to become better liars. Morally, this isn't a good quality to have. However, I didn't feel bad at any point in this mission, technically I gave each player a gift that he or she may really like. 

Til next week!


  1. hhhhh I found a task that was targeting me and I had no Idea they were more. what a great Idea, I thought that your task is to get everyone to take the cards from you, the funny part is when I refused to take it Pink Mystery and Mzqueen Green said that I was too paranoiac and I should of take it, I didn't want to be disrespectful to you but I thought that it impossible that you were just trying to help us, it was too much wok to write the link 5 times in 5 peaces of paper in stead of just making a post on this blog. I loved your technique of involving everyone, I didn't feel that I was your target at all.
