Monday, April 6, 2015

Property pt 3

  • “In light of the assault on both rights and free expression, Anonymous, the notoriously handsome rulers of the internet, would like to inform you that you have only been “renting” your web domains.”
  • “You own your domains. You paid for them with your own money.”

Anonymous believes Sony is “renting” it but paying for it with their money so they “own” it, therefore they can do whatever they want with it. Parallel to users who pay for a PlayStation owns that console and can do whatever they want with it.

So the questions risen are: is Sonys’ web domain being rented, leased or owned? What are the PlayStation’s terms and conditions? I’m actually not positive whether Sony rents, leases or owns their web domain. When “renting” a web domain, the renter may not be required a fixed agreement and therefore the renter can make changes and updates. Both the renter and owner can cancel the web domain at any time.  When “leasing” a web domain there has to be a fixed agreement with both parties. When leasing it, it’s usually a year-to-year basis as to renting can be month-to-month. Also leasing a web domain can come with an option to buy it. Same thing goes for changes and updates, they pay for the web domain and contents.

As much as I would definitely side Anonymous for standing up for GeoHot and Graf_Chokolo, I disagree with their statement because when purchasing a Playstation console there are copyright laws, computer fraud and abuse acts, etc that come with it. So regardless whether Sony rented, leased or owned their web domain, there are agreements and various amounts of money inputted in their service for domain. As to Sony costumers own the Playstation console physically, they can put stickers on it, they can put a case, change the color, but not tweak with the operating system, etc. The user rights and agreements are what makes the web domain and the physical console differ. I would also like to add that Playstation continually pays for the web domain every month/year, as to the console is a one-time fee. That fee is for the console and not the operating system.

  • “If you disagree with the disciplinary actions against your private parts domains, then we trust you can also understand our motivations for these actions.”

This quote didn’t state any property matter, but I do believe motive plays a role in property. The reason Anonymous decided to hack Sony is for the sake of two hackers. In which one of the hackers were the first to jailbreak Apple. Jailbreak was illegal back then and legal now. Maybe because Anonymous intended to wrongfully hack Sony separated the difference between the jail break of Apple products and gaming consoles.

  • “Information is free.”

Anonymous always believes anything online or any information in general should be free and everyone across the world should have access to free information.

So the questions risen are: what information is considered free? For who? From who? Many authors share knowledge and I believe knowledge should be free but physical property is different. As to making copies of a book is illegal because it is copyrighted, but reading the book summarizing it and sharing it with others is free and completely legal.

I think it always depends on the situation. Physical properties that are copyrighted whether it is a book or a game console, it should be respected as the owners’ deserve all the rights to their property.

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