Monday, April 13, 2015

Final Proposal - Anonymous takes a stand!

Anonymous is well known for their public stands and hacker following around the world. Most commonly they are recognized by the Guy Fawkes mask. The particular case I am focusing on is their involvement of protesting the Missouri Rape case. I was especially interested because this case really shows Anonymous does not just protest against cyber warfare but everything they believe is unfair or illegal.

Issues At hand

1. Can Anonymous really be seen as the defenders of the defenseless? (CNN)

2. Why are they involved in this case and why is this case more important then other cases?

3. Did anonymous only become involved because this case was so public?

4. Can Anonymous's action even though in favor of a victim be more harmful then helpful?

1 comment:

  1. :I am going to focus on "The defenders of the defenseless." Claim!
