Sunday, April 5, 2015

Property III

In the press release we read in class Anonymous sent a clear message to Sony as a response to their actions against GeoHot and Graf_chokolo. In this message Anonymous refereed to many propriety related things, I will try to mention some of them in the following list:

“You have only been “renting” your domains.”

According to Anonymous If the customer can’t have the freedom to use the Sony products that they prayed for the way that they wants, then Sony has no right to use freely their domain and that they are just renting it, the same way how the costumers are viewed by Sony as they are just renting the Sony product. So what will make us the owners of the things that we buy, if the money we pay is not enough, if we can’t use the product freely that means that we are just renting them (should this affect the price), what is the reason that push companies to impose that kind of restrictions, is it because of the warranties or the update that they upload, or is it to make sure that customer will pay a little more for every extra feature and service proposed by the machine.

“Information is free”

In this part Anonymous claims that the information is free, but who decided that.  Are we talking about the information available in the public domain or all kind of information? Thinking about this statement makes me question the whole educational system, should we pay to learn or should it be free? So the information is not the propriety of anyone.

“We own this forever”

So when something is free that means that it’s the propriety of every one who can access it. If so can we modify the original information and claim that we owe it? 

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