Monday, April 6, 2015

Social Engineering Challenge #7: You've got mail!

My task was to mail the card, which states my task, to a fellow player.

I was faced with a dilemma as i did not know everyone's last name in class besides my two team mates (Pink Mystery & CaptainBlack X31). Also i was not sure of the city/town everyone lived in besides one fellow player.

First I decided to do searches on both of my team mates. Since i am friends with both on facebook i decided to check their "About" tab to see if they listed anything in "Places lived" Both listed Boston which was very vague. Next I did a google search on both their names.

For CaptainBlack X31 I found a couple of like posts related to facebook and i found his LinkedIn page. On his LinkedIn page i noticed his current employer which listed two different positions held presently at the same company with different addresses. That was a little confusing so I eliminated him as a target.

For Pink Mystery i found her LinkedIn page as well and what's actually funny is that when i signed into my account (which i don't even use), it showed that Pink Mystery had visited my page previously, lol.

Even though i did not know the city/town they both lived in, i still did a name and state search with their names, using and White but nothing came up. I decided to eliminate Pink Mystery as a target as well.

I decided to give it a break and come back to this later. While scheduling a lab, i noticed that the screen where you choose to schedule a lab lists a partial class roster. Remembering some of the first names of some of my classmates, i noticed the last names for TheBlack Capo, Agent Raven Blue, InspectorGreen2013 and Admiral Aquamarine.

I decided to once again do a couple of searches with each of their names. I found all their Facebook pages and out of the four of them, only Agent Raven Blue listed a "current place" she lived in. I also noticed TheBlack Capo listed an employer. I also found three of their LinkedIn profiles.

I decided to first do a search on Agent Raven Blue. I could not find anything linking her to her current city she lived in. I did however find a lot of other interesting things about her; lets just say busy and determined woman! Not much to go on so i eliminated her as well.

As for the search on TheBlackCapo, I couldn't find a local address for his employer. Other things i found was sports related. Nothing else to go on so i eliminated him as well.

I decided to do a search on Admiral Aquamarine. I remembered in class he mentioned on numerous occasions a specific city/town he lives in. I did a search with his name with that city/town and nothing came up. Searching his name i found a couple of twitter posts, youtube uploads, facebook reviews too. I then went over to his LinkedIn profile and the first thing that caught my eye was his current employer. I remember him talking about working at this specific place. I searched for the local address and found it. The task did not specify a home address so i said what the hell, go for it! Let's just say, you should be receiving mail my friend!

I could've just targeted one player and spark up a casual conversation and try to get their address, but if nothing came up with that information then i would be back at square one. I feel like doing all this research, i learned a lot of information about a few of the players.

I felt like a total creep, stalker doing searches on my fellow players . This was totally invading your privacy, but I didn't have to do  much to obtain it as it was all public information that you all either put on the internet yourself or was placed by a third party via your permission.


  1. Impressive!!! This really took some work! 10pts!

  2. This was too epic! Great job! definitely 5pts if not more for effort and not giving up. Im glad you couldn't find any of my info *wipes sweat off forehead*

  3. Wow your that was Awesome MZqueen I vote 10 point for the creativity and the hard work.

  4. I'm sure that will be in my mailbox when I get to work tomorrow. Nice detective work!
