Monday, April 6, 2015

Property 3 - Anonymous The rulers of the internet

Anonymous, The rulers of the internet or so they claim to be in a letter addressed to Sony. The letter speaks about the legal actions against internet citizens GeoHot and Graf_Chokolo. 
Anonymous makes several claims as to what was taken and in regards to property the injustice that was presented.
The Claims include:

1. "You have abused the judicial system in an attempt to censor information about how your products work."
2. "You have victimized your own customers merely for possessing and sharing information, and continue to target those who seek this information."
3. "You have violated the privacy of thousands of innocent people who only sought the free distribution of information."

These are the main points that Anonymous gives to point out the issues at hand. Because of these claims Anonymous decides to punish Sony by hacking domains and taking them over cuasing disruption and to prove a point they state that they are merely renting the domains. They give the poin that Sony paid for the domains that they own the domains and they should be able to do what they please with them. As if to show that by hacking a PlayStation that you own and you paid for is within your right because you own it.
I hate to agree with this but i do i think that if you own something you should be able to do what you want with it. I do believe there are limits in which this should be represented but if the hack or upgrade to the system is not harming anyone else why should it not be allowed. Even the hacker that created the hack said he created the hack to be able to have certain functionality not to use illegal games. 

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