Monday, April 6, 2015

Social Engineer Challenge 7: You’ve been Taped

My task was to stick a piece of tape to a fellow player’s cellphone.

Originally I was going to target TheBlack Capo. I noticed he was the only one with his cellphone out in front of him but he left before class ended. The sticker also lost its’ stickiness and some of the players had left the classroom. I wanted to target someone else who I knew would be difficult. I saw Agent Raven Blue and Admiral Aquamarine walking together out of class and decided I was going to go for Admiral Aquamarine. Originally I was just going to walk behind him and stick it on his phone as soon as he pulls it out but the whole time, he just glanced at his phone and stuck it back in his pocket. After we exited the building he noticed I was behind him and asked if I was following him, I giggled and told him that I take the T too. When he turned around and saw me I thought it was going to be impossible to complete my task. Luckily, CaptainBlack X31 caught up with us. I waited for him and Admiral Aquamarine decided to wait too. I figured if I let them conversate I can catch him off guard. As we entered the station, I asked him which direction was he going (i.e. inbound, outbound), he did not answer and asked me to show my card first. I laughed and made a guess stating that he was going to take Oak Grove since he didn’t go in the Forest Hill train when it arrived. When the Oak Grove train arrived, he did not get in it either. I signaled CaptainBlack X31 not to go in the train (he did not know my task but we normally take Oak Grove home). They started chatting with each other and I waited until he was going to check the time again or something. I had the sticker hidden on the tip of my fingers in case I got the opportunity. Finally he pulled his phone out, I quickly stuck the tape and I ran inside the train laughing. He was NOT happy, but mission accomplished.

A moral stake with completing tasks like this and choosing a target makes me worried that I will be attacked the following week.

My strategy was to make him assume my task was to figure out which direction his train was going. I would say misleading him was pretty effective.

I can’t really do anything with sticking tape on someone’s phone but this task reminded me of the movie, The Interview. The small strip of poison that was supposedly ‘deadly’.

I normally feel bad doing these social engineer challenges but the fact that I got to do it on Admiral Aquamarine made me feel accomplished. I also got a good laugh from it as the train doors closed but stood there for a minute. In the end of it all, it is just a game and we are all each other's target.


  1. Nice try, I wasn't going to be easy weather or not I left class early. Good job on getting captianblack though. 5 pts!

  2. i am so happy you didnt target me this time lol but great job for getting Admiral Aquamarine, i was with you but i had no idea what was your task, and when you put the stick on his phone i thought for a second that your task was to take his phone lol. i was impressed, you did a great job, i would say minimum 5 points.
