Friday, April 17, 2015

Social Engineering Challenge week 9 “Trade part 2”

My task of this week was to get a fellow player to make a trade with me that is their advantage.

As I tried to target someone that is not in my team I decided to quickly come up with a plan, my issue was that this task has been done before by Blackcapo and we discussed it too with fellow classmate which makes it harder to do, the second issue was that no one stayed to work on the social engineering task. Which left me with one choice, target my own team mates or not do this task, Then I realized that this task actually consist of being nice too people so I hope that my teammates will not be made at me because of it.

My principal target was Mzqueen which I haven’t targeted before, knowing that she comes back strict from work to the class and then she is probably hangry by then, that I can buy her and my self-nutrition bars (3 total) and damage the one I want to give her and later in class, ask her to switch with the one that I have which will be a trade to her advantage, also started a backup plan asking her to switch presentation parts with me and instead of her doing the first one and me doing the third one, I ask her to switch part with me and I will also cover the 4th part which was a trade to her benefits.  At the end of the class I went to ask her about the part but she was suspicious and said that she will think about it, I also didn’t have a chance switch the nutrition bars because she was already suspicious of me, I didn’t wanted her to discover my task. She left the class and my first plan failed. I took the train with PinkMistery and I try to not target her anymore, but then I realize that we have only 2 tasks left and since the task was to be nice to her I decided to go for it. When we were about to take the bus I entered the door before her, checked that she was right behind me, and took the window seat she sat next to me, then before the bus moved I asked her to switch seats with me because my stop is before hers and by making the switch she want have to stand up later to let me out, she agreed and said yea that is better for me. At this point I thought that I might have succeeded my task even though the trade was simplistic. Later that day  little Mzqueen called me to help her with something, knowing that this might be her task I decided to drop my guard knowing that this will be probably the only way that I will get my task done. I helped her with her request and hoped that she will accept to trade the presentation roles later, tried to not ask too much about it to no make her suspicious again. The next day she texted me and accepted to trade, I think I can call it mission accomplished. 

I think that my strategy was ok since I had very few targets, I had to force it a little bit by making myself vulnerable, but at the end I needed to do it to get a get a good grade.

Morally I had no problem with this task. This is the only task that I accomplish without lying or manipulation someone, who made me feel good about myself.

Maybe in a real world, a hacker can convince some to trade with them because it’s in their advantage and this doesn’t have to be the truth, that way they can take advantage of them.


  1. LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Definately didn't see this one coming. Good job!

    1. I will bring you a real nutrition bar next class :)

  2. I should have stopped you, that would have been completing my challenge!! Good job though.

    1. to make a fellow player fail their task with my efforts. i didnt pay enough attention to you during class, but i was 80% sure that was you challenge

    2. wow I got lucky, I cant believe that you were able to recognize my task just by looking at the back of the paper, that was imprecise.

  3. We're not friends anymore CaptainBlack X31. Lol just kidding, good job targeting two team mates.
